At Home Learning
For June 2021
At Home Learning

Welcome to our At Home Learning Page! Here we have agriculture and farming book suggestions and activities you can do at home. These activities do not build on each other and can be done in any order.
No whey- June is Dairy Month! Check out these resources to learn more about dairy.
Check out the In the Parlor with Dairy Farmers online module! This free resource takes the Dairy Ag mag further, exploring dairy cow breeds, introducing learners to real farmers and much more.
Our limited-series podcast Farmer Says explores questions kids have about farming with answers from real farmers! The first few episodes explore dairy farms across the country. Perfect for car trips or listening while doing chores.
Ag Across America explores agriculture commodities all across the United States, including dairy!
Make your own butter with these activities from the Dairy Alliance! They have lessons for elementary school students and middle school to take learning further while you make butter.
Mess with your milk! In these activities make milk fizz, ice cream, a milk carton planter and much more at home.
Follow along with Chuck while he sees how ice cream goes from cow to his bowl in Tales of the Dairy Godmother: Chuck’s Ice Cream Wish. Need a read along version? Check out this adorable video from Johanna Bossard and her daughters in partnership with New York Ag in the Classroom! Also, meet the real Chuck the ice cream farmer in this video!
Want to read more about dairy? Check out these books!