Classroom Ag
Agriculture in the classroom, opportunities for agricultural learning and discovery at school.

Spring 2018 White-Reinhardt Mini-Grants Awarded
Seven county Farm Bureaus have received $1,000 mini-grants for ag literacy programs through the White-Reinhardt Fund.

2017 Food & Farm Facts Activity Cards
The new Food and Farm Facts Activity Cards are standards-aligned and now available!

September is National Honey Month!
In the spirit of celebration, we bring you five crazy honey related facts you won’t BEE-LIEVE!

Celebrating Volunteers - GA Ag in the Classroom
We love to celebrate volunteer efforts to educate about agriculture!

Help Students Discover Ag Careers!
Ever wonder what careers are in agriculture besides "farmer or rancher?" The answers may surprise you!

What If I Know Nothing About Agriculture? Can I Still Use It In My Classroom?
Guest blogger, Marissa Morris writes about how she went from being "clueless" about agriculture, to being a pro at using it in her classroom! Get her tips, tricks and more!

Ag Mags a Great Teaching Resource for Spanish Class!
Agriculture is a great topic for almost any subject area, and now it’s even great for Spanish class!

What is a farmer? Moooving with STEM
Ever ask a group of high school kids “what is a farmer?” Leslie Prudhomme, On the Farm STEM participant, writes a guest blog that includes an outline for a Project Based Learning Unit that has students develop a farm plan.
New Pizza Ag Mag is a Delicious Way to Engage Students
Mamma Mia! That's one tasty resource! This nonfiction text reader for grades 3-5 will engage students as they learn about the agricultural origins of their favorite pizza toppings, the history of pizza, and some awesome ag careers.

School Gardens: The Why and How
Resources on getting support from your administration for a school garden, how to start a garden, and getting students excited to plant!
Free Lesson Plans! Peanut Activity Cards Promote Math, Social Science Skills
Free downloadable lesson plans for grades 3-5 address math and social science skills while learning about peanuts and agriculture.

Farm a Month Resource Lets Students “Meet” a Farmer
Where does our food come from? Who grows it? Farm a Month is 12 hands on lesson plans, 12 letters from real farmers, and 1 whole year of learning about agriculture!