
White-Reinhardt Resource Grant Recipients Chosen
We are excited to announce that the first round of White-Reinhardt Resource Grant winners have been chosen!

Fall 2020 White-Reinhardt Classroom & Community Grants Awarded
We have awarded nearly $10,000 in grants to 10 communites across the nation through the White-Reinhardt Fund for Education program.

New Printable Book from Feeding Minds Press
Feeding Minds Press has released its newest free printable book "The Prized Pumpkin," a part of the My Little Ag Me series!

‘Right This Very Minute’ Receives Children’s Literature Award
Feeding Minds Press title “Right This Very Minute” by Lisl H. Detlefsen and illustrated by Renee Kurilla took home the 2020 Growing Good Kids - Excellence in Children’s Literature Award this week.

Insights from an Informal Educator on the NGSS Journey – Part 2: The Process
This is the second in a series of blog posts by Seth Derner, educational consultant for the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture. Derner will document the experience of learning how to develop science curriculum materials that meet standards for earning an NGSS Design Badge.

$25,000 Awarded through White-Reinhardt to Promote Ag Literacy Efforts
The 2020 White-Reinhardt scholar winners and Spring 2020 grant winners have been chosen!

Purple Plow Challenge: Growing Green Winners Announced
The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has recognized the winning teams in the fall 2019 Purple Plow Challenge, Growing Green.

Fall 2019 White-Reinhardt Mini-Grants Awarded to Enhance Ag Literacy
Our Fall 2019 White-Reinhardt grant winners have been chosen by our panel of judges.

Ag-vocating in the Classroom
One of our 2019 White-Reinhardt Scholarship winners shares her experience at the National Ag in the Classroom Conference!

Purple Plow Challenge: Protect the Pollinators Winners Announced
The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has recognized the winning teams in the spring 2019 Purple Plow Challenge, Protect the Pollinators.

Lessons from an Informal Educator on the NGSS Journey – Part 1: Background
The first in a series of blog posts by Seth Derner, education consultant for the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture. Derner will document the experience of learning how to develop science curriculum materials that meet standards for earning an NGSS Design Badge.

White-Reinhardt Educator Scholarships Recognize and Promote Agricultural Literacy
The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has recognized 15 educators – teachers and classroom volunteers – for their exceptional efforts to encourage agricultural literacy.

Spring 2019 White-Reinhardt Mini-Grants Awarded to County Farm Bureaus to Expand Ag Literacy
The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has awarded more than $9,000 in mini-grants to communities across the nation through the White-Reinhardt Fund for Education program. The grants are allocated through county Farm Bureaus and are used to create new agricultural literacy projects or expand existing agricultural literacy efforts.

Ten things that didn’t make you think “farm” until now
You may think about cows or veggies when you hear the word "farm." Let's explore 10 things that you may be surprised to learn started on a farm!

Thanks for Participating in #ReadAgBooks18!
National Read a Book Day was on September 6 and all across the country people read accurate ag books!

Fall 2018 White-Reinhardt Mini-Grants Awarded
Nine Fall 2018 White-Reinhardt mini-grants have been awarded!

Spring 2018 White-Reinhardt Mini-Grants Awarded
Seven county Farm Bureaus have received $1,000 mini-grants for ag literacy programs through the White-Reinhardt Fund.
Visit From Miss America 2017 Savvy Shields Planned for First Peas to the Table Contest Winner
The winner of the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture’s First Peas to the Table Contest is Mary Tomlin’s third-grade class at Fayette Academy in Somerville, Tennessee. Tomlin’s classroom wins the grand prize – a visit from Miss America 2017 Savvy Shields.