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Full Of Beans Educator Guide
This educator guide for grades 3-5 accompanies the 2020 Book of the Year “Full of Beans”! Students will learn about the many uses of soybeans, plant growth, where soybeans are grown and more.
Chuck’s Ice Cream Wish Bundle
Get one copy of the book Chuck's Ice Cream Wish (Tales Of The Dairy Godmother), one copy of the educator guide and one set of 30 Dairy Ag Mags in this bundle.
2019 Food And Farm Facts Trivia Cards
With more than 250 questions and 46 front and back playing cards, the new Food and Farm Facts trivia card set brings a popular game element to important national agricultural statistics. In a classroom or living room, these cards will test your knowledge about production, sustainability and nutrition! Cards are aligned to the 2019 “Food and Farm Facts”. Best for middle school and high school learners.
Full Of Beans: Henry Ford Grows A Car Bundle
Henry Ford made cars. Millions of cars. But this story isn't about cars. Well...maybe just one. It's about one car and a lot of beans. "Full of Beans" inspires readers of all ages to think innovatively- even to build a car completely made of soybeans. This bundle includes:
1 copy of the Full of Beans book
1 copy of the Full of Beans educator’s guide
1 classroom pack of the Soybean Ag mag
Bid or Bust: The Auction Experience | 6th - 8th Grade Lesson Plan
1. Learners will understand the role and responsibilities of an auctioneer.
2. Learners will experience how an auction works.
3. Learners will learn about people involved in auctions: bidders, buyers, sellers, and attendees.
• CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.7. Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.
• CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6-8.1. Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.
• CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6-8.6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
In the Parlor with Dairy Farmers (Ag Mag Supplement)
Welcome to the In the Parlor with Dairy Farmers virtual tour! Today, we’ll be expanding on what we learned while reading the Dairy Ag Mag. You’ll get to explore dairy farms with some dairy farmers as your personal tour guides!
Chuck’s Ice Cream Wish Educators Guide
This guide was developed for teachers and volunteers to accompany the book Tales of the Dairy Godmother, Chuck’s Ice Cream Wish. The book is a great way to introduce young readers to where their food comes from! These 8 lessons cover literacy, science and math in a fun way. Best for 5-8 year old learners.
Ag Mag Mix Set
In this Ag Mag Mix Set you will receive one copy of each of the following:
Apple, Beef, Energy, Entomology, Forestry, Snacks, Plant breeding, Specialty Crop, Cotton, Wheat, Sheep, Poultry, Pizza, Careers, Innovations, Bees, Corn, Soybeans, Dairy, Food Waste, Natural Resources, Pork, and School Garden
Food and Farm Facts Jeopardy
Check out this Jeopardy game with your students using the Food and Farm Facts!
Educator Led Erosion Demonstration
Use this activity to help explain how ground-cover can prevent erosion and loss of valuable top-soil
Feeding Minds Cultivating Growth Educator’s Guide
This lesson plan series has been developed with the middle-school educator in mind. The three selected books are appropriate for middle-school readers, and the content lends to important discussion about issues relevant to young learners. The resources reinforce an accurate image of the agricultural industry, as determined by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture (AFBFA), while inviting students to explore important concepts related to personal growth. Regardless of your primary subject area, you have an opportunity to support learning with these fun, relevant resources.
Dive In! Exploring the Science of Water & Food Production Online Career Module
Enjoy this online learning module focused on the science of water and food production!
Agriculture & The Environment Lesson Plans
This resource was designed to engage middle school students in discovery and exploration of topics related to agriculture and natural resources. Inside you’ll find six engaging lessons; each made up of a teacher’s guide, background information for the student and student engagement sheets.
MAF Activity Booklets
Create and play with the interactive 15 page My American Farm Activity Book! Learning about food has never been so fun, discover facts and 11 activities to complete. Includes Ag Across America Origami, Harvest This Pictogram Puzzlers, Farmer’s Market Challenge Riddles and many more!
Pasture Cow-Culations
Use these short activities to help students grow at school, home or on the road! Watch your child gain confidence as they master math, discover history, hone in on reading, and boost their science skills. These are perfect activities for early-completers in the classroom, take-home enrichment, or on the road adventure. Look at each group of pastures. Add up the acres in the pastures to find out the number of total acres.
Entomology Ag Mag
This four page ag magazine for 3rd-5th grade students explores entomology, the science of insects. Learn about entomology careers, different insects and much more in this non-fiction text. The Ag Mag comes in a classroom set of 30.
Sustainable Agriculture: What is Sustainable Agriculture? Online Learning Experience
Interactive online learning modules about Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture: What is Sustainable Agriculture? PowerPoint
Use this powerpoint with the Sustainable Agriculture: What is Sustainable Agriculture? Lesson 1
Sustainable Agriculture: What is Sustainable Agriculture? Lesson 1
Sustainable Agriculture lesson to be used with the Sustainable Agriculture powerpoint and other lessons.
Lean Beef – An Important Part of Adolescent Growth Example Illustrations
Example illustrations from students who completed the Lean Beef – An Important Part of Adolescent Growth Lesson