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Bid or Bust: The Auction Experience |  6th - 8th Grade Lesson Plan


1. Learners will understand the role and responsibilities of an auctioneer.

2. Learners will experience how an auction works.

3. Learners will learn about people involved in auctions: bidders, buyers, sellers, and attendees.



• CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.7. Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.

• CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6-8.1. Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.

• CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6-8.6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

In the Parlor with Dairy Farmers (Ag Mag Supplement)

Welcome to the In the Parlor with Dairy Farmers virtual tour! Today, we’ll be expanding on what we learned while reading the Dairy Ag Mag. You’ll get to explore dairy farms with some dairy farmers as your personal tour guides! 

Food and Farm Facts Jeopardy

Check out this Jeopardy game with your students using the Food and Farm Facts!

My American Farm STEM Flyer

Check out this flyer all about the different ways My American Farm can help with teaching STEM!

Lights Out!

Enjoy this comic about electricity and energy!

Make sure your flash player is enabled!

Space Age Farming

Check out this video on the robotic weeder from the University of Illinois!

Educator Led Erosion Demonstration

Use this activity to help explain how ground-cover can prevent erosion and loss of valuable top-soil

International Lineup

 Draw a line to connect each capital with the correct country and continent. Check out this example.

Farm to Food Truck Challenge - Promo Video

Watch this video to learn about the Farm to Food Truck Purple Plow Challenge!

Farm to Food Truck Challenge - Content Packet

Use this guide to gain background and contextual understanding of the Farm to Food Truck Challenge!

Farm to Food Truck Challenge - Student Guide

Use this resource with your students as they participate in the Farm to Food Truck Purple Plow Challenge!

Cattle Ranch Riddle Challenge - Promo Video

Watch this video to learn about the Cattle Ranch Riddle Purple Plow Challenge!

Cattle Ranch Riddle Challenge - Lesson Packet

Use this lesson guide as you begin implementing the Cattle Ranch Riddle Challenge!

Cattle Ranch Riddle Challenge - Student Guide

Use this guide with your students as they start the Cattle Ranch Riddle Purple Plow Challenge. 

Cattle Ranch Riddle Challenge - Facilitator Guide

There are multiple factors at play and many cattle ranchers must consider many things when running their operation. Today’s beef is produced using fewer resources than ever before, but there is still more to be done. Through this challenge, students will become more aware of the intricacies of beef production. After thoughtful research to evaluate how these challenges exist globally, nationally, and locally, students will design, test, and demonstrate a solution that optimizes production as well as economic, environmental, and social needs.

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