Book of the Year Award

What is our Book of the Year Award?
Each year we award one exceptional accurate ag book with our coveted "Book of the Year" title. That book will be celebrated at our Flapjack Fundraiser, and have classroom curriculum developed to add value to the book. The book will be promoted for an entire year through all of our channels.
Books considered for the award:
Have accurate information about agriculture with modern agricultural practices being a priority
Have a positive portrayal of agriculture and producers
Contain no depictions of anthropomorphic animals (animals that talk or act like humans)
Should not convey any stereotypical depictions of rural life (ex: overalls and a pitch fork)
Portray no unsafe situations in pictures, graphics or text
Have topic which is of interest in agriculture and society - Past years' topics include: bees, apples, sheep, tree farms, farm to fork, how plants grow, school gardens, and soybeans. All agricultural topics are open to review.
Books are also judged on whether or not it has an interesting story that will engage students and if it has the potential to be used in a classroom setting with curriculum. Books do not need to be published in the current year in order to be considered. Any publication date is fine.
To nominate a book simply send a review copy to us at:
Book Review
600 Maryland Ave SW Suite 1000W
Washington D.C. 20024.
Judging starts in June for the following year's Book of the Year title.So send in your book by the first week of May.
Past Book of the Year Winners (oldest to newest):
- The Tree Farmer, by Chuck Leavell
- The Man Who Fed the World, by Leon Hesser
- Soybeans in the Story of Agriculture, by Susan Anderson and JoAnne Buggy
- Seed Soil Sun, by Cris Peterson
- How did that get in my lunchbox? By Chris Butterworth
- The Guardian Team, by Cat Urbigkit
- The Beeman, by Laurie Krebs
- The Apple Orchard Riddle, by Margaret McNamara
- First Peas to the Table, by Susan Grigsby
- Sleep Tight Farm, by Eugenie Doyle
- John Deere That's Who, by Tracy Maurer
- Right This Very Minute, by Lisl H. Detlefsen
- Full of Beans, by Peggy Thomas
- The Dairy Godmother: Chuck's Ice Cream Wish, by Viola Butler
- How to Grow a Monster (Makers Make it Work), by Kiki Thorpe
- I LOVE Strawberries, by Shannon Anderson