Lesson Three
What is selective breeding?
Selective breeding is not a new phenomenon. Humans have been trying to systematically improve their food supply for at least 10,000 years through food biotechnology.
Length: 1 hour
Students will be able to:
- Define selective breeding.
- Describe how selective breeding changes a population over time.
Next Generation Science Standards Addressed:
- Disciplinary Core Ideas:
- LS3.A Inheritance of Traits
- LS3.B Variation of Traits
Developing and Using Models
- Cross-Cutting Concepts:
Cause and Effect: Cause and effect relationships may be used to predict phenomena in natural systems.
Common Core English Language Arts Standards Addressed:
- Reading Standards for Literature 6-12: Craft and Structure, 4
- Writing Standards 6-12: Production and Distribution, 4
Suggested Videos

Backcross Breeding
This lesson is a detailed explanation of the backcross breeding process. Variations based on whether backcrossing is performed with dominant, recessive, or multiple traits are discussed. Calculations associated with backcross breeding are explained.

Marker Assisted Selection
Marker-assisted selection minimizes the hefty “wait and see” period in traditional plant breeding.